Checks the value of detached subframe properties. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS !!detachedWindow.postMessage is true PASS !!detachedWindow.close is true PASS !!detachedWindow.locationbar is true PASS !!detachedWindow.history is true PASS !!detachedWindow.screen is true PASS !!detachedWindow.location is true PASS !!detachedWindow.navigator is true PASS detachedWindow.closed is true PASS is null PASS detachedWindow.opener is null PASS detachedWindow.parent is null PASS detachedWindow.frameElement is null PASS detachedWindow.window is detachedWindow PASS detachedWindow.frames is detachedWindow PASS detachedWindow.self is detachedWindow PASS !detachedWindow.localStorage is true PASS !!detachedWindow.document is true PASS !!detachedWindow.XMLHttpRequest is true PASS !!detachedWindow.getComputedStyle is true PASS detachedWindow.innerHeight is 0 PASS detachedWindow.innerWidth is 0 PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE