Testing of NodeList iterable capacities. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS testedIterable.entries is entriesFunction PASS testedIterable.forEach is forEachFunction PASS testedIterable.keys is keysFunction PASS testedIterable.values is valuesFunction PASS testedIterable.length is 2 PASS item is children[index++] PASS item is children[index++] PASS pair[0] is children[0] PASS pair[1] is children[1] PASS forEachContainer is testedIterable PASS forEachIndex is index PASS node is children[index++] PASS thisValue is window PASS forEachContainer is testedIterable PASS forEachIndex is index PASS node is children[index++] PASS thisValue is window PASS thisValue is window PASS thisValue is window PASS thisValue is givenThisValue PASS thisValue is givenThisValue PASS iterator.next().value is 0 PASS iterator.next().value is 1 PASS end.done is true PASS end.value is undefined. PASS iterator.next().value is children[0] PASS iterator.next().value is children[1] PASS end.done is true PASS end.value is undefined. PASS pair.length is 2 PASS pair[0] is 0 PASS pair[1] is children[0] PASS pair.length is 2 PASS pair[0] is 1 PASS pair[1] is children[1] PASS end.done is true PASS end.value is undefined. PASS end.done is true PASS end.value is undefined. PASS descriptor.configurable is true PASS descriptor.writable is true PASS descriptor.enumerable is false PASS testedIterablePrototype[Symbol.iterator] = valuesFunction; did not throw exception. PASS checkItemType(a) is true PASS checkItemType(a) is true PASS checkItemType(a) is true PASS checkItemType(a) is true PASS counter is 4 PASS checkItemType(v) is true PASS checkItemType(v) is true PASS checkItemType(v) is true PASS checkItemType(v) is true PASS counter is 4 PASS typeof k is "number" PASS typeof k is "number" PASS typeof k is "number" PASS typeof k is "number" PASS counter is 4 PASS typeof e[0] is "number" PASS e[1] is testedIterable[e[0]] PASS typeof e[0] is "number" PASS e[1] is testedIterable[e[0]] PASS typeof e[0] is "number" PASS e[1] is testedIterable[e[0]] PASS typeof e[0] is "number" PASS e[1] is testedIterable[e[0]] PASS counter is 4 PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE