This tests DOMParser supports creating Document for HTML content with mime-type "text/html". 1. Should support mime-type = "text/html" HTML content: Scripts must be disabled for the document created using DOMParser.parseFromString() Sample text content PASS 2. Should support mime-type = "text/xml" Root element: root PASS 3. Should support mime-type = "application/xml" Root element: root PASS 4. Should support mime-type = "application/xhtml+xml" Root element: html PASS 5. Should support mime-type = "image/svg+xml" Root element: svg PASS 6. Should NOT support mime-type = "text/xsl" PASS 7. Should NOT support mime-type = "text/dummy+xml" PASS 8. Should NOT support mime-type = "text/XML" PASS 9. Should NOT support mime-type = "TEXT/html" PASS