No red text should be visible in any of the sections below. opposite-to-base isolate followed by number.
א (3 reviews)

opposite-to-base isolate with opposite-to-base text before it with neutrals in between.
א: ב

opposite-to-base isolate with opposite-to-base text before it and nothing in between.

two opposite-to-base isolates with neutrals in between.
א = ב

two opposite-to-base isolates with nothing in between.

same-as-base isolate preceded by opposite-to-base text and followed by number
see א3

same-as-base isolate surrounded by opposite-to-base text
with א=ב everywhere

chimeric isolate surrounded by chimeric text
about that א - ב

nested chimeric isolates surrounded by chimeric text
about that strange א - ב - ג