Test exporting a P-256 ECDH key pair with JWK format. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". Generating a key pair... Exporting the public key... PASS publicKey.kty is 'EC' PASS publicKey.crv is 'P-256' PASS Base64URL.parse(publicKey.x).byteLength is 32 PASS Base64URL.parse(publicKey.y).byteLength is 32 PASS publicKey.d is undefined. PASS publicKey.key_ops is [ ] PASS publicKey.ext is true Exporting the private key... PASS privateKey.kty is 'EC' PASS privateKey.crv is 'P-256' PASS Base64URL.parse(privateKey.x).byteLength is 32 PASS Base64URL.parse(privateKey.y).byteLength is 32 PASS Base64URL.parse(privateKey.d).byteLength is 32 PASS privateKey.key_ops is ['deriveBits', 'deriveKey'] PASS privateKey.ext is true PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE