Test unwrapping a JWK RSA private key with AES-CBC using an imported key On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS unwrappedKey.kty is jwkKey.kty PASS unwrappedKey.alg is jwkKey.alg PASS unwrappedKey.key_ops is jwkKey.key_ops PASS unwrappedKey.ext is jwkKey.ext PASS unwrappedKey.n is jwkKey.n PASS unwrappedKey.e is jwkKey.e PASS unwrappedKey.p is jwkKey.p PASS unwrappedKey.q is jwkKey.q PASS unwrappedKey.dp is jwkKey.dp PASS unwrappedKey.dq is jwkKey.dq PASS unwrappedKey.qi is jwkKey.qi PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE