Home Help Login Tip us on news This tests the rowRange and columnRange attributes of table cells in a table with colspans that are invalid. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". Table: Rows: 2, Columns: 3 [Table cell at row: 0, column: 0] Row range: {0, 1}, Column range: {0, 1} PASSED Cell is same cell at (0, 0) [Table cell at row: 1, column: 0] Row range: {1, 1}, Column range: {0, 2} PASSED Cell is same cell at (1, 0) PASSED Cell is same cell at (1, 1) [Table cell at row: 1, column: 1] Row range: {1, 1}, Column range: {0, 2} PASSED Cell is same cell at (1, 0) PASSED Cell is same cell at (1, 1) [Table cell at row: 1, column: 2] Row range: {1, 1}, Column range: {2, 1} PASSED Cell is same cell at (1, 2) PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE