This tests that native elements and ARIA overrides result in the same ARIA computed role, regardless of platform. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS: a[href] -> link. PASS: article -> article. PASS: aside -> complementary. PASS: button -> button. PASS: dfn -> definition. PASS: dl -> . PASS: footer -> contentinfo. PASS: form -> form. PASS: header -> banner. PASS: h1 -> heading. PASS: h2 -> heading. PASS: h3 -> heading. PASS: h4 -> heading. PASS: h5 -> heading. PASS: h5 -> heading. PASS: hr -> separator. PASS: img[alt='X'] -> image. PASS: input[type='button'] -> button. PASS: input[type='checkbox'] -> checkbox. PASS: input[type='date'] -> . PASS: input[type='datetime'] -> . PASS: input[type='datetime-local'] -> . PASS: input[type='email'] -> . PASS: input[type='file'] -> button. PASS: input[type='image'] -> button. PASS: input[type='month'] -> . PASS: input[type='number'] -> . PASS: input[type='password'] -> . PASS: input[type='radio'] -> radio. PASS: input[type='range'] -> slider. PASS: input[type='reset'] -> button. PASS: input[type='search'] -> searchbox. PASS: input[type='submit'] -> button. PASS: input[type='tel'] -> . PASS: input[type='text'] -> . PASS: input[type='time'] -> . PASS: input[type='url'] -> . PASS: input[type='week'] -> . PASS: ins -> . PASS: math -> math. PASS: meter -> progressbar. PASS: nav -> navigation. PASS: ol -> list. PASS: li -> listitem. PASS: p -> paragraph. PASS: pre -> group. PASS: progress -> progressbar. PASS: samp -> . PASS: section:not([aria-label]:not([aria-labelledby]) -> group. PASS: section[aria-label] -> region. PASS: section[aria-labelledby] -> region. PASS: select:not([multiple]) -> button. PASS: select[multiple] -> listbox. PASS: option -> option. PASS: optgroup -> option. PASS: option -> option. PASS: option -> option. PASS: sub -> . PASS: sup -> . PASS: table -> table. PASS: caption -> caption. PASS: tr -> row. PASS: th -> columnheader. PASS: tr -> row. PASS: td -> cell. PASS: tr -> row. PASS: td -> cell. PASS: table[role="grid"] -> grid. PASS: tr -> row. PASS: th -> columnheader. PASS: tr -> row. PASS: td[role="gridcell"] -> gridcell. PASS: tr -> row. PASS: td[role="gridcell"] -> gridcell. PASS: textarea -> textbox. PASS: ul -> list. PASS: li -> listitem. PASS: var -> . PASS: div[role="command"] -> . PASS: div[role="composite"] -> . PASS: div[role="input"] -> . PASS: div[role="landmark"] -> . PASS: div[role="range"] -> . PASS: div[role="roletype"] -> . PASS: div[role="section"] -> . PASS: div[role="sectionhead"] -> . PASS: div[role="select"] -> . PASS: div[role="structure"] -> . PASS: div[role="widget"] -> . PASS: div[role="window"] -> . PASS: div[role="alert"] -> alert. PASS: div[role="alertdialog"] -> alertdialog. PASS: div[role="application"] -> application. PASS: div[role="article"] -> article. PASS: div[role="banner"] -> banner. PASS: div[role="blockquote"] -> blockquote. PASS: div[role="button"] -> button. PASS: div[role="caption"] -> caption. PASS: div[role="checkbox"] -> checkbox. PASS: div[role="combobox"] -> combobox. PASS: div[role="complementary"] -> complementary. PASS: div[role="contentinfo"] -> contentinfo. PASS: div[role="definition"] -> definition. PASS: div[role="dialog"] -> dialog. PASS: div[role="directory"] -> list. PASS: div[role="document"] -> document. PASS: div[role="form"] -> form. PASS: div[role="grid"] -> grid. PASS: div[role="row"] -> row. PASS: div[role="rowheader"] -> rowheader. PASS: div[role="columnheader"] -> columnheader. PASS: div[role="gridcell"] -> gridcell. PASS: div[role="group"] -> group. PASS: div[role="heading"] -> heading. PASS: div[role="img"] -> image. PASS: div[role="link"] -> link. PASS: div[role="list"] -> list. PASS: div[role="listitem"] -> listitem. PASS: div[role="listbox"] -> listbox. PASS: div[role="option"] -> option. PASS: div[role="log"] -> log. PASS: div[role="main"] -> main. PASS: div[role="marquee"] -> marquee. PASS: div[role="math"] -> math. PASS: div[role="menu"] -> menu. PASS: div[role="menuitem"] -> menuitem. PASS: div[role="menuitemcheckbox"] -> menuitemcheckbox. PASS: div[role="menuitemradio"] -> menuitemradio. PASS: div[role="menubar"] -> menubar. PASS: div[role="menuitem"] -> menuitem. PASS: div[role="menuitemcheckbox"] -> menuitemcheckbox. PASS: div[role="menuitemradio"] -> menuitemradio. PASS: div[role="navigation"] -> navigation. PASS: div[role="note"] -> note. PASS: div[role="paragraph"] -> paragraph. PASS: div[role="progressbar"] -> progressbar. PASS: div[role="radiogroup"] -> radiogroup. PASS: div[role="radio"] -> radio. PASS: div[role="region"] -> region. PASS: div[role="scrollbar"] -> scrollbar. PASS: div[role="search"] -> search. PASS: div[role="separator"] -> separator. PASS: div[role="slider"] -> slider. PASS: div[role="spinbutton"] -> spinbutton. PASS: div[role="status"] -> status. PASS: div[role="tablist"] -> tablist. PASS: div[role="tab"] -> tab. PASS: div[role="tabpanel"] -> tabpanel. PASS: div[role="textbox"] -> . PASS: div[role="timer"] -> timer. PASS: div[role="toolbar"] -> toolbar. PASS: div[role="tooltip"] -> tooltip. PASS: div[role="tree"] -> tree. PASS: div[role="treeitem"] -> treeitem. PASS: div[role="treeitem"] -> treeitem. PASS: div[role="treegrid"] -> grid. PASS: div[role="row"] -> row. PASS: div[role="rowheader"] -> rowheader. PASS: div[role="columnheader"] -> columnheader. PASS: div[role="gridcell"] -> gridcell. PASS: div[role="button foo"] -> button. PASS: div[role="foo button bar"] -> button. PASS: div[role="foo button bar"] -> button. PASS: div[role="foo button bar"] -> . PASS: div[role="foo button bar"] -> . PASS: img[role="foo"] -> image. PASS: img[role="foo bar"] -> image. PASS: img[role="foo bar"] -> image. PASS: img[role="foo bar"] -> image. PASS: img[role="foo bar"] -> image. PASS: img[role="text"] -> text. PASS: img[role="text img"] -> text. PASS: img[role="img text"] -> image. PASS: img[role="presentation"][aria-label] -> image. PASS: a[role="foo bar"] -> link. PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE