header aside main nav article section This tests that HTML5 elements which have implicit landmark and related semantics are not ignored if their render objects have block render objects children. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS test.childrenCount is 6 PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: AXLandmarkBanner" PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: AXLandmarkComplementary" PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: AXLandmarkMain" PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: AXLandmarkNavigation" PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: AXDocumentArticle" PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: " PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE