Placeholder content header 2 header 3 obj1 obj2 obj3 obj1 obj2 obj3 This tests that ARIA rowheader and columnheader roles are identified correctly. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". AXRole: AXCell AXSubrole: (null) AXRoleDescription: cell AXChildren: AXHelp: AXParent: AXSize: NSSize: {127, 18} AXTitle: AXDescription: AXValue: AXFocused: 0 AXEnabled: 1 AXWindow: AXSelectedTextMarkerRange: (null) AXStartTextMarker: AXEndTextMarker: AXVisited: 0 AXLinkedUIElements: AXSelected: 0 AXBlockQuoteLevel: 0 AXTopLevelUIElement: AXLanguage: AXDOMIdentifier: test AXDOMClassList: AXFocusableAncestor: AXEditableAncestor: (null) AXHighestEditableAncestor: (null) AXRowIndexRange: NSRange: {0, 1} AXColumnIndexRange: NSRange: {0, 1} AXColumnHeaderUIElements: AXRowHeaderUIElements: AXARIAColumnIndex: -1 AXARIARowIndex: -1 AXElementBusy: 0 AXRequired: 0 ------------ AXRole: AXCell AXSubrole: (null) AXRoleDescription: cell AXChildren: AXHelp: AXParent: AXSize: NSSize: {54, 18} AXTitle: AXDescription: AXValue: AXFocused: 0 AXEnabled: 1 AXWindow: AXSelectedTextMarkerRange: (null) AXStartTextMarker: AXEndTextMarker: AXVisited: 0 AXLinkedUIElements: AXSelected: 0 AXBlockQuoteLevel: 0 AXTopLevelUIElement: AXLanguage: AXDOMIdentifier: AXDOMClassList: AXFocusableAncestor: AXEditableAncestor: (null) AXHighestEditableAncestor: (null) AXRowIndexRange: NSRange: {0, 1} AXColumnIndexRange: NSRange: {1, 1} AXColumnHeaderUIElements: AXRowHeaderUIElements: AXARIAColumnIndex: -1 AXARIARowIndex: -1 AXElementBusy: 0 AXRequired: 0 ------------ AXRole: AXCell AXSubrole: (null) AXRoleDescription: cell AXChildren: AXHelp: AXParent: AXSize: NSSize: {55, 18} AXTitle: AXDescription: AXValue: AXFocused: 0 AXEnabled: 1 AXWindow: AXSelectedTextMarkerRange: (null) AXStartTextMarker: AXEndTextMarker: AXVisited: 0 AXLinkedUIElements: AXSelected: 0 AXBlockQuoteLevel: 0 AXTopLevelUIElement: AXLanguage: AXDOMIdentifier: AXDOMClassList: AXFocusableAncestor: AXEditableAncestor: (null) AXHighestEditableAncestor: (null) AXRowIndexRange: NSRange: {0, 1} AXColumnIndexRange: NSRange: {2, 1} AXColumnHeaderUIElements: AXRowHeaderUIElements: AXARIAColumnIndex: -1 AXARIARowIndex: -1 AXElementBusy: 0 AXRequired: 0 ------------ AXRole: AXCell AXSubrole: (null) AXRoleDescription: cell AXChildren: AXHelp: AXParent: AXSize: NSSize: {28, 18} AXTitle: AXDescription: AXValue: AXFocused: 0 AXEnabled: 1 AXWindow: AXSelectedTextMarkerRange: (null) AXStartTextMarker: AXEndTextMarker: AXVisited: 0 AXLinkedUIElements: AXSelected: 0 AXBlockQuoteLevel: 0 AXTopLevelUIElement: AXLanguage: AXDOMIdentifier: obj1 AXDOMClassList: AXFocusableAncestor: AXEditableAncestor: (null) AXHighestEditableAncestor: (null) AXRowIndexRange: NSRange: {1, 1} AXColumnIndexRange: NSRange: {0, 1} AXColumnHeaderUIElements: AXRowHeaderUIElements: AXARIAColumnIndex: -1 AXARIARowIndex: -1 AXElementBusy: 0 AXRequired: 0 ------------ AXRole: AXCell AXSubrole: (null) AXRoleDescription: cell AXChildren: AXHelp: AXParent: AXSize: NSSize: {28, 18} AXTitle: AXDescription: AXValue: AXFocused: 0 AXEnabled: 1 AXWindow: AXSelectedTextMarkerRange: (null) AXStartTextMarker: AXEndTextMarker: AXVisited: 0 AXLinkedUIElements: AXSelected: 0 AXBlockQuoteLevel: 0 AXTopLevelUIElement: AXLanguage: AXDOMIdentifier: AXDOMClassList: AXFocusableAncestor: AXEditableAncestor: (null) AXHighestEditableAncestor: (null) AXRowIndexRange: NSRange: {2, 1} AXColumnIndexRange: NSRange: {0, 1} AXColumnHeaderUIElements: AXRowHeaderUIElements: AXARIAColumnIndex: -1 AXARIARowIndex: -1 AXElementBusy: 0 AXRequired: 0 ------------ PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE