Nav1 Nav2 Nav3 Nav4 Nav5 Nav6 Nav7 Nav8 Nav9 Nav10 Nav11 Nav12 Nav13 Nav14 Nav15 Nav16 This tests that aria-current causes the right attribute to be returned. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS: AXARIACurrent is false PASS: AXARIACurrent is false PASS: AXARIACurrent is false PASS: AXARIACurrent is false PASS: AXARIACurrent is false PASS: AXARIACurrent is false PASS: AXARIACurrent is page PASS: AXARIACurrent is step PASS: AXARIACurrent is location PASS: AXARIACurrent is date PASS: AXARIACurrent is time PASS: AXARIACurrent is true PASS: AXARIACurrent is true PASS: AXARIACurrent is true PASS: AXARIACurrent is page PASS: AXARIACurrent is step PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE