//@ if $memoryLimited then skip else runDefault("--useConcurrentJIT=false") end //@ slow! function f(o) { switch (o) { case "t": case "s": case "u": } } noInline(f); for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { let o; // This test needs to allocate a large rope string, which is slow. // The following is tweaked so that we only use this large string once each to // exercise the llint, baseline, DFG, and FTL, so that the test doesn't run too slow. if (i == 0 || i == 99 || i == 200 || i == 9999) o = (-1).toLocaleString().padEnd(2 ** 31 - 1, "a"); else o = (-1).toLocaleString().padEnd(2, "a"); f(o); }