SUMMARY="Utilities to access MS-DOS disks without mounting" DESCRIPTION="Mtools is a collection of utilities to access MS-DOS disks from \ GNU and Unix without mounting them. It supports Win'95 style long file names, \ OS/2 Xdf disks and 2m disks (store up to 1992k on a high density 3 1/2 disk). \ In addition to file access, it supports many FAT-specific features: volume \ labels, FAT-specific file attributes (hidden, system, ...), \"bad block\" map \ maintenance, access to remote floppy drives, Iomega ZIP disk protection, \ \"secure\" erase, display of file's on-disk layout, etc." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="1997-2018 Alain Knaff" LICENSE="GNU GPL v3" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.lz$portVersion.tar.lz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="d09cff66d7277ad36a7573fc3e9803bfa558cdda83baabaafbf7761317462283" ARCHITECTURES="all" GLOBAL_WRITABLE_FILES=" settings/mtools.conf auto-merge " PROVIDES=" mtools = $portVersion cmd:lz cmd:mattrib cmd:mbadblocks cmd:mcat cmd:mcd cmd:mcheck cmd:mclasserase cmd:mcomp cmd:mcopy cmd:mdel cmd:mdeltree cmd:mdir cmd:mdu cmd:mformat cmd:minfo cmd:mkmanifest cmd:mlabel cmd:mmd cmd:mmount cmd:mmove cmd:mpartition cmd:mrd cmd:mren cmd:mshortname cmd:mshowfat cmd:mtools cmd:mtoolstest cmd:mtype cmd:mxtar cmd:mzip cmd:tgz cmd:uz " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:awk cmd:gcc cmd:make " defineDebugInfoPackage mtools \ "$binDir"/mkmanifest \ "$binDir"/mtools \ BUILD() { runConfigure ./configure make $jobArgs } INSTALL() { make install install -m 644 mtools.conf "$settingsDir" sed -i \ -e "s|$sysconfDir/|`finddir B_SYSTEM_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY`/|g;" \ "$manDir"/man1/mtools.1 \ "$manDir"/man5/mtools.5 \ sed -i -e "s/^SAMPLE FILE/#&/;" "$settingsDir"/mtools.conf }