SUMMARY="GNU EFI Library - Kernel support" DESCRIPTION="Develop EFI applications for ARM-64, ARM-32, x86_64, IA-64 (IPF), \ and IA-32 (x86) platforms using the GNU toolchain and the EFI development \ environment." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="1996-2000, 2005-2011, 2013 Intel Co. 1999-2007 Hewlett-Packard Co. 2014-2015 Linaro Ltd. 2011, 2013 ARM 2008-2009 Apple Inc. 2017 Lemote Co. 2013 Jerry Hoemann 2013 David Decotigny 2012 Felipe Contreras 2014 John Cronin 2016 Pete Batard" LICENSE="BSD (3-clause)" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.bz2" CHECKSUM_SHA256="f12082a3a5f0c3e38c67262a9f34245d139ac2cdfc0a0bdcf03c9b1f56fa4fed" SOURCE_DIR="gnu-efi-$portVersion" ARCHITECTURES="any" DISABLE_SOURCE_PACKAGE="yes" PROVIDES=" gnu_efi_kernel = $portVersion compat >= 0 " BUILD_REQUIRES=" cmd:rsync " INSTALL() { mkdir -p $includeDir/gnuefi cd inc/ && rsync -avm --include='*.h' -f 'hide,! */' . $includeDir/gnuefi/ && cd .. mkdir -p $developLibDir/gnuefi cp gnuefi/*.lds $developLibDir/gnuefi/ cp gnuefi/*.S $developLibDir/gnuefi/ cp gnuefi/*.c $developLibDir/gnuefi/ }