SUMMARY="An HTML5 compliant parsing library" DESCRIPTION=" Hubbub is an HTML5 compliant parsing library, written in C. It was developed \ as part of the NetSurf project and is available for use by other software \ under the MIT licence. The HTML5 specification defines a parsing algorithm, based on the behaviour \ of mainstream browsers, which provides instructions for how to parse all \ markup, both valid and invalid. As a result, Hubbub parses web content well. If you are looking for an HTML5 parser in Python or Ruby, you may wish to \ look at html5lib." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2007-2020 J-M Bell" LICENSE="MIT" REVISION="2" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion-src.tar.gz" SOURCE_DIR="libhubbub-$portVersion" CHECKSUM_SHA256="9e7ae253e6c9069e757eb9ad4e4846f38b4db52c0ca0151446a9fa4a977735b6" ARCHITECTURES="all ?x86_gcc2" SECONDARY_ARCHITECTURES="x86" libVersion="$portVersion" libVersionCompat="$libVersion compat >= ${libVersion%%.*}" PROVIDES=" hubbub$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion lib:libhubbub$secondaryArchSuffix = $libVersionCompat " REQUIRES=" haiku$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libparserutils$secondaryArchSuffix " PROVIDES_devel=" hubbub${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel = $portVersion devel:libhubbub$secondaryArchSuffix = $libVersionCompat " REQUIRES_devel=" hubbub$secondaryArchSuffix == $portVersion base " BUILD_REQUIRES=" devel:libiconv$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libjson_c$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libparserutils$secondaryArchSuffix >= 0.2.4 " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" haiku${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel netsurf_buildsystem >= 1.9 cmd:gcc$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:make cmd:perl cmd:pkg_config$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD() { for linkage in lib-static lib-shared; do make PREFIX="$prefix" NSSHARED=/system/data/netsurf-buildsystem \ COMPONENT_TYPE=$linkage done } INSTALL() { for linkage in lib-static lib-shared; do make PREFIX="$prefix" NSSHARED=/system/data/netsurf-buildsystem \ INCLUDEDIR=$relativeIncludeDir LIBDIR=$relativeLibDir \ COMPONENT_TYPE=$linkage \ install done prepareInstalledDevelLib libhubbub fixPkgconfig packageEntries devel \ "$developDir" } TEST() { make PREFIX="$prefix" NSSHARED=/system/data/netsurf-buildsystem \ LDFLAGS="-liconv -lparserutils" test }