SUMMARY="An application to display Haiku usage tips" DESCRIPTION="Display brief but informative hints relating to interesting \ features about Haiku and their usage. It can be embedded as Replicant onto \ the Desktop and slideshow through the tips at a set interval. Clicking on the category icon shown beside the tip opens a web page related \ to the tip's topic." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2015 Vale Tolpegin 2016 Hannah Pan 2016-2018 Humdinger 2017 Akshay Agarwal 2017 vanishakesswani 2018 Janus 2019-2021 HaikuArchives Team" LICENSE="MIT" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="4550ce15cd9a6874b6b1d4cad3c647265ffcc63b27841e4fbb1b149d5b7e8b6b" SOURCE_DIR="Tipster-$portVersion" ARCHITECTURES="all" PROVIDES=" tipster = $portVersion app:Tipster = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" makefile_engine cmd:g++ cmd:make " BUILD() { make OBJ_DIR=objects $jobArgs make OBJ_DIR=objects bindcatalogs } INSTALL() { mkdir -p $appsDir $dataDir/Tipster cp -a objects/Tipster $appsDir cp -a tips/* $dataDir/Tipster addAppDeskbarSymlink $appsDir/Tipster }