SUMMARY="A replayer program for C64 music (SID tunes) for Haiku and Unix" DESCRIPTION="SIDPlayer is a replayer program for C64 music (SID tunes) for BeOS \ and Unix. You can think of it as being a stripped-down C64 emulator that only \ emulates the processor and the sound chip of the C64. \ SIDPlayer can be used as a stand-alone player or, under Haiku, as a plug-in \ for CL-Amp and SoundPlay." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2003 Christian Bauer" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="2" SOURCE_URI="" CHECKSUM_SHA256="fd1f73047abeb8234f850975786c805262678e77013835a8e621dcfd237624d7" SOURCE_DIR="SIDPlayer-$portVersion" PATCHES="sidplayer-$portVersion.patchset" ARCHITECTURES="!all x86_gcc2" PROVIDES=" sidplayer = $portVersion app:sidplayer = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" makefile_engine cmd:gcc cmd:make " BUILD() { make -f Makefile.BeOS } INSTALL() { make -f Makefile.BeOS install INSTALL_DIR=$appsDir }