SUMMARY="The Rez resource compiler" DESCRIPTION="Rez is a resource compiler similar to rc. Its main use is compiling\ the Sum-it spreadsheet. New applications should consider using rc instead, but\ Rez may still be useful to compile some old apps from the BeOS days" HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="1996-1998, 2000 Hekkelman Programmatuur B.V. All rights reserved. 1999-2000 Tim Vernum. All rights reserved." LICENSE="BSD (4-clause)" REVISION="3" SOURCE_URI="" CHECKSUM_SHA256="a2e41044ad34302abef5ccaf2f86b16e7bf658c96ab337935cee5b6228597afa" SOURCE_DIR="Rez-1.0" ARCHITECTURES="!x86 x86_gcc2" PROVIDES=" rez = $portVersion cmd:rez = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:bison cmd:cc cmd:flex cmd:make " BUILD() { make $jobArgs } INSTALL() { mkdir -p $binDir cp rez $binDir }