SUMMARY="A tool to inspect and edit resource files" DESCRIPTION="QuickRes is an application for editing BeOS resource files. It \ allows direct editing of data in standard binary resources (BResources), \ attributes, and a new resource source file format. * Save and load files in both binary (.rsrc) and source (.rdef) format. * A new resource definition format that natively understands common Be data \ types, including BMessage. * Edit both attributes and resources. * In-place viewing and editing of resource data, as well as full-window \ editors. * Add-on architecture for resource editors (a toolkit for implementing your \ own add-ons is included). Currently includes editors for: * Raw data (hex editor) * Integers and floating point numbers * BRect * BPoint * rgb_color * Application flags * Strings * Bitmaps * Icons * Cursors" HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2000-2001, Dianne Hackborn 1991-2000, Be Incorporated." LICENSE="Be Sample Code License" REVISION="3" SOURCE_URI="" CHECKSUM_SHA256="2ac84b361dfd7260564624f79ce7c7c52b768b89a98eaade322ad4a3ade194a7" SOURCE_DIR="QuickRes" ADDITIONAL_FILES="quickres.rdef" ARCHITECTURES="x86_gcc2" DISABLE_SOURCE_PACKAGE="yes" PROVIDES=" quickres = $portVersion app:QuickRes = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:unzip " BUILD() { true } INSTALL() { mkdir -p $appsDir/QuickRes chmod +x QuickRes cp -r * $appsDir/QuickRes addResourcesToBinaries $portDir/additional-files/quickres.rdef \ $appsDir/QuickRes/QuickRes addAppDeskbarSymlink $appsDir/QuickRes/QuickRes }