SUMMARY="Generate tones and test your discrimination of frequency deltas" DESCRIPTION="PhantomLimb is a little program to generate tones, and test \ your discrimination of frequency deltas. I wrote it for a friend of mine who \ is suffering from tinnitus ('ringing in the ears') due to an ear infection. \ (the infection destroyed some nerve cells in his inner ear, and the lack of \ signals from the destroyed nerve cells is what causes the ringing--similar to \ the 'phantom limb' sensations experienced by amputees. Hence the name of this \ program) By practicing discriminating between the sound of the tinnitus and \ 'nearby' sounds, he hopes to be able to train his brain to discriminate \ between the 'phantom' sound and other, real sounds." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2001 Ben Loftis 2013 Jeremy Friesner" LICENSE="Public Domain" REVISION="5" srcGitRev="2ad55873b4e9e6397d55cdedbf497117640716ee" SOURCE_URI="$HOMEPAGE/archive/$srcGitRev.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="e6a86517b54d350a311b2f3f93a36c63b6b2088d338527bc0472d2b005a0386d" SOURCE_DIR="PhantomLimb-$srcGitRev" ARCHITECTURES="all" PROVIDES=" phantomlimb = $portVersion app:PhantomLimb = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:g++ cmd:xres " BUILD() { cd source gcc -c -o PhantomApp.o PhantomApp.cpp gcc -c -o PhantomWindow.o PhantomWindow.cpp gcc -c -o PhantomPlayer.o PhantomPlayer.cpp -D PI=3.141592 gcc -c -o PhantomView.o PhantomView.cpp gcc -c -o LRUEntry.o LRUEntry.cpp g++ -o PhantomLimb PhantomApp.o PhantomWindow.o PhantomPlayer.o PhantomView.o LRUEntry.o -lbe -lmedia xres -o PhantomLimb Phantom.rsrc mimeset -f PhantomLimb } INSTALL() { mkdir -p $appsDir cp source/PhantomLimb $appsDir addAppDeskbarSymlink $appsDir/PhantomLimb }