SUMMARY="An open source integrated development environment (IDE)" DESCRIPTION="Paladin is an open source integrated development environment (IDE) \ modeled after BeOS' BeIDE. Paladin's feature set includes: - Command-line build support - Quick find file with Alt+F - Multithreaded builds - Revision control-friendly project files - More run options for projects - Explicit support for debugging with gdb under Haiku - Bundled helper tools - Streamlined project settings - Out-of-the-box support for Lex and Yacc - Support for text and binary resource files - Projects can include notes and other files that aren't source code - Project templates - Out-of-the-box makefile generation - Integrated source code management - 1-click project backups" HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2001-2010 DarkWyrm 2014 John Scipione 2018-2019 Adam Fowler" LICENSE="MIT" REVISION="2" srcGitRev="9ea26012d1dc05f3bb42bcd3c971ac7a611570b9" SOURCE_URI="$srcGitRev.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="6cdb0ed4020d1a65e509dae8328ead14f1de3b9a6931d6fcbd351d2b39ad74e3" SOURCE_DIR="Paladin-$srcGitRev" if [ $effectiveTargetArchitecture == 'x86_gcc2' ]; then PATCHES="$PATCHES paladin-$portVersion-gcc2.patchset" fi ARCHITECTURES="all" USER_SETTINGS_FILES="settings/Paladin_settings" PROVIDES=" paladin = $portVersion app:Paladin app:SymbolFinder " REQUIRES=" haiku # required by templates haiku_devel lib:libpcre lib:libz " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel devel:libpcre unittest++_devel devel:libz " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" makefile_engine cmd:find cmd:gcc cmd:ld cmd:make " BUILD() { ./ $jobs } INSTALL() { mkdir -p $appsDir/Paladin $appsDir/Paladin/Documentation mkdir -p $binDir cp -r Documentation $appsDir/Paladin rm $appsDir/Paladin/Documentation/ cp -r Paladin/Paladin Paladin/Templates $appsDir/Paladin/ cp SymbolFinder/SymbolFinder $appsDir/Paladin/ addAppDeskbarSymlink $appsDir/Paladin/Paladin Paladin }