SUMMARY="An on-screen MIDI Keyboard" DESCRIPTION="A simple on-screen MIDI keyboard. It allows showing octave numbers and setting up cords and displays the \ current note. You can set the the receive/transmit channel and control \ input and output devices." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2000-2002 Martijn Sipkema" LICENSE="GNU LGPL v2" REVISION="5" srcGitRev="80d41b88a6770c12a7c550f0b64b0765543d1fb8" SOURCE_URI="$HOMEPAGE/archive/$srcGitRev.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="5c42b9fa93b76cf634f4f78398a782b31b79bfc82934bc66ae209423e64e3281" SOURCE_DIR="MidiKeyboard-$srcGitRev" ARCHITECTURES="all !x86" PROVIDES=" midikeyboard = $portVersion app:MIDIKeyboard = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" makefile_engine cmd:g++ cmd:make " BUILD() { make $jobArgs OBJ_DIR="objects" } INSTALL() { mkdir -p $appsDir cp objects/MIDI\ Keyboard $appsDir addAppDeskbarSymlink $appsDir/MIDI\ Keyboard }