SUMMARY="Build packages for the Haiku operating system" DESCRIPTION="The HaikuPorter tool is provided to ease the fetching, patching \ and building of source code. It can be compared to a slim version of Gentoo \ Portage. Each port contains the Haiku-specific patches to the original source \ code. It fetches the original source code, applies the Haiku-specific \ patches, builds the software, and packages it according to so-called 'recipes'. See the wiki on the HaikuPorter website for more information on its usage \ and details on how to create those recipes." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2013-2021 Haiku, Inc." LICENSE="MIT" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="9549fbc60509f33249d461b03f9f3aeb44fe86b99c23ad3e69b375354dc714a5" ARCHITECTURES="any" GLOBAL_WRITABLE_FILES=" settings/haikuports.conf auto-merge " PROVIDES=" haikuporter = $portVersion cmd:haikuporter = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku cmd:git cmd:python3 " BUILD_REQUIRES=" " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:cp " BUILD() { true } INSTALL() { # This is very manual, however was done due to # # TODO: Setuptools once #286 is investigated mkdir -p $binDir cp haikuporter $binDir/ mkdir -p $libDir/python3.7/vendor-packages/ cp -R HaikuPorter $libDir/python3.7/vendor-packages/ mkdir -p $settingsDir cp haikuports-sample.conf $settingsDir/haikuports.conf }