SUMMARY="Conway's Game of Life" DESCRIPTION=" The Game of Life is not a game in the conventional sense. There are no \ players, and no winning or losing. Once the \"pieces\" are placed in the \ starting position, the rules determine everything that happens later. \ Nevertheless, Life is full of surprises! In most cases, it is impossible to \ look at a starting position (or pattern) and see what will happen in the \ future. The only way to find out is to follow the rules of the game. Find out more about about Conway's Game of Life: -'s_Game_of_Life -" HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2006 Studio-33" LICENSE="BeLife License" REVISION="2" srcGitRev="96e31e8b4543723c7c8ea4a3d0c57c8cd52f82ca" SOURCE_URI="$HOMEPAGE/archive/$srcGitRev.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="2566dc527e336277173179c7cce0771579257e19bbcd853377cd6112547a08d1" SOURCE_DIR="BeLife-$srcGitRev" ARCHITECTURES="x86 x86_gcc2" PROVIDES=" belife = $portVersion app:BeLife = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" makefile_engine cmd:g++ cmd:make cmd:xres " BUILD() { cd src make OBJ_DIR=objects } INSTALL() { cd src mkdir -p $appsDir/BeLife cp objects/BeLife $appsDir/BeLife/ addAppDeskbarSymlink $appsDir/BeLife/BeLife cp ../readme $appsDir/BeLife }