SUMMARY="A GUI frontend to the command-line downloader wget" DESCRIPTION="BeGet is a easy-to-use download manager for the popular command \ line tool wget. BeGet can also accept more than one link at the same time. By default, your downloaded files are saved to /boot/home/Downloads." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="1999-2001 Atsushi Takamatsu" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="6" SOURCE_URI="" CHECKSUM_SHA256="518a1be0dee7cc730db948205fb013034efe1a9e7edb6708f1c8024cc6b08c53" SOURCE_DIR="BeGet-a170b0e6860c76599ab202a1532088cfcec447ad" ARCHITECTURES="!all x86_gcc2" SECONDARY_ARCHITECTURES="x86_gcc2 !x86" USER_SETTINGS_FILES=" settings/BeGet-URL.pref settings/BeGet.prefs " PROVIDES=" beget$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion app:BeGet = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:wget$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:cmake cmd:gcc$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:ld$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:make " BUILD() { cmake . make } INSTALL() { mkdir -p $appsDir cp BeGet $appsDir addAppDeskbarSymlink $appsDir/BeGet }