SUMMARY="A port of bsnes to the libretro architecture" DESCRIPTION="bsnes is an accurate SNES emulator, but can also emulate the NES, \ Game Boy (DMG), Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance. This is a libretro \ core based off the latest version of bsnes, following its complete rewrite \ by its original author Near." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2014-2021 Near, the libretro team" LICENSE="GNU GPL v3" REVISION="1" srcGitRev="6fc6bf14a39d32dab69c4f9687a81df26d412758" SOURCE_URI="$srcGitRev.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="ce1eaf0625ffd73d146aa164baade8fd4fb6e03c742ac0d6f3b2d1e4288646eb" SOURCE_FILENAME="bsnes-${portVersion/_/-}-$srcGitRev.tar.gz" SOURCE_DIR="bsnes-$srcGitRev" ADDITIONAL_FILES="" ARCHITECTURES="all !x86_gcc2" SECONDARY_ARCHITECTURES="x86" PROVIDES=" bsnes_libretro$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku$secondaryArchSuffix retroarch$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:gcc$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:make " BUILD() { sed -e "s/@DISPLAY_VERSION@/v${portVersion/_/-}/" $portDir/additional-files/ > cd bsnes make $jobArgs target=libretro } INSTALL() { install -m 0755 -d "$addOnsDir"/libretro install -m 0644 -t "$addOnsDir"/libretro bsnes/out/ }