SUMMARY="The Maze of Galious" DESCRIPTION="The Maze of Galious (MoG in short) was originally a Konami game \ for the MSX computer system. Its real name is Knightmare II: The Maze of \ Galious and is the sequel of another Konami game called Knightmare. MoG is a very addictive game where you have to kill thousands of enemies, \ collect items in order to obtain new powers and defeat some really great \ demons at the end of each level. The gameplay of MoG is not the boring linear \ one. In MoG you are free to go everywhere you want from the beginning of the \ game. You have to be very careful of the order in which you visit all the \ rooms in the HUGE map if you want to keep your character alive. The map is structured in a main map (called the castle) and 10 submaps \ (called the worlds). Initially you are in the castle and you have to find the \ keys that open the doors to go to each of the worlds. To complete the game you have to defeat the boss at the end of each one of \ the 10 worlds. You are free to revisit each world as often as you want in \ order to see if you have missed something. To defeat all 10 demons you control two characters: Popolon and Aphrodite. \ Each one has special abilities, i.e. Popolon has a greater ability to jump \ and Aphrodite is able to dive." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2002-2009 Brain Games" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="2" SOURCE_URI="" CHECKSUM_SHA256="3caf30d86f5b010b9266ef860c8c8ce0be23f37dee93dd037e7927d4237475eb" PATCHES="mog-$portVersion.patchset" ARCHITECTURES="all ?x86" PROVIDES=" mog = $portVersion app:mog = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku lib:libSDL_1.2 lib:libSDL_image_1.2 lib:libSDL_mixer_1.2 lib:libSDL_sound_1.0 " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel devel:libSDL devel:libSDL_image devel:libSDL_mixer devel:libSDL_sound " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:gcc cmd:ld cmd:make " BUILD() { make $jobArgs } INSTALL() { installDir=$appsDir/"Maze of Galious" mkdir -p "$installDir" make install PREFIX="$installDir" GAMEDIR="$installDir" rm -rf "$installDir"/share/{applications,pixmaps} addAppDeskbarSymlink "$installDir/mog" "Maze of Galious" }