SUMMARY="A powerful distributed version control system" DESCRIPTION="Bazaar (bzr) is a version control system that helps you track \ project history over time and to collaborate easily with others. Whether \ you're a single developer, a co-located team or a community of developers \ scattered across the world, Bazaar scales and adapts to meet your needs. Part of the GNU Project, Bazaar is free software sponsored by Canonical." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2005-2013 Canonical" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="2" SOURCE_URI="" CHECKSUM_SHA256="0994797182eb828867eee81cccc79480bd2946c99304266bc427b902cf91dab0" SOURCE_DIR="bzr-$portVersion" if [ $effectiveTargetArchitecture = x86_gcc2 ]; then PATCHES="bzr-2.6.0_gcc2.patchset" fi ARCHITECTURES="!all x86_gcc2" PROVIDES=" bzr = $portVersion compat >= 2.6.0 cmd:bzr = $portVersion compat >= 2.6.0 " REQUIRES=" haiku lib:libpython2.7 cmd:python " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel devel:libpython2.7 " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:python cmd:gcc cmd:ld cmd:msgfmt " BUILD() { python build } INSTALL() { python install \ --prefix=$prefix \ --install-data=$manDir }