SUMMARY="Build tool to easily compile and test Erlang applications" DESCRIPTION="rebar is an Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and \ test Erlang applications, port drivers and releases. rebar is a self-contained Erlang script, so it's easy to distribute or even \ embed directly in a project. Where possible, rebar uses standard Erlang/OTP \ conventions for project structures, thus minimizing the amount of build \ configuration work. rebar also provides dependency management, enabling \ application writers to easily re-use common libraries from a variety of \ locations (git, hg, etc)." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2011 Joe Williams" LICENSE="Apache v2" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" SOURCE_FILENAME="rebar-$portVersion.tar.gz" ARCHITECTURES="!x86_gcc2" PROVIDES=" rebar = $portVersion cmd:rebar " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:escript " BUILD() { export HOME=erlang_needs_this escript bootstrap } INSTALL() { make install }