SUMMARY="Tools and scripts too small to warrant their own packages" DESCRIPTION="A collection of tools and scripts that have accumulated over the \ years, and each of which seems to be too small to warrants its own project. - aumeta(1) — move seek index and adjust metadata of audio files - bsvplay(1) — convert BASICA music files to PCM - cctypeinfo(1) – show sizes of C types on the implementation it was compiled with - checkbrack(1) — check parenthesis and bracket count - cwdiff(1) — run wdiff with color - declone(1) — break hardlinks - diff2php(1) — transform patch to self-serving PHP file - doxygen-kerneldoc-filter(1) — filter for Doxygen to support kerneldoc - extract_d3pkg(1) — extract Descent3 PKG files - extract_dxhog(1) — extract Descent HOG files - extract_f3pod(1) — extract Fury3 POD files - extract_qupak(1) — extract Quake2 PACK files - fd0ssh(1) — pipe for password-over-stdin support to ssh - fduphl(1) – find duplicate files and hardlink them - filenameconv(1) — convert file name encoding - flv2avi(1) — repackage Flash video into an AVI container with PCM audio - fnt2bdf(1) — convert VGA raw fonts to X11 BDF - fxterm(1) — start xterm with sane settings - git-author-stat(1) — show commit author statistics of a git repository - git-blame-stat(1) – show per-line author statistics of a git repository - git-export-patch(1) — produce perfect patch from git commits for mail submission - git-forest(1) — display the commit history forest - git-lemon(1) — don't just pick cherries, but take it all (cherry- pick a commit range) - git-new-root(1) — start a new root in the git history - git-revert-stats(1) — show reverting statistics of a git repository - git-track(1) — set up branch for tracking a remote - gpsh(1) — grep in tracklists and play audio files - graph-fanout(1) – fan a tree (for graphviz) - graph-lchain(1) – remove circles in graphs using longest-chaining method - gxxdm — explains libstdc++v3 mangled names in detail. (Not feature-complete.) - logontime(8) — show cumulative logon time from wtmp - mailsplit(1) — split an mbox into single files - man2html(1) — convert nroff manpages to HTML - mod2ogg(1) — wrapper for module to OggVorbis transcoding - mpg2ogg(1) — wrapper for mass mp3 to OggVorbis transcoding - netload(8) — show utilization of network interface - newns(8) — clone current filesystem namespace and start a process - ofl(1) — open file lister (replaces fuser and lsof -m) - mkvappend — concatenate multiple files into one Matroska container file - paddrspacesize(1) – print size of processes' address spaces - pesubst(1) — perl-regexp stream substitution (replaces sed for sub‐ stitutions) - pegrep(1) — multi-line perl-regexp grep - pmap_dirty(1) — display amount of RAM a process uses hard - — transform arbitrary files into C++ files for wxWidgets - printcaps(1) — print currently active process capabilities - proc_iomem_count(1) – show MMIO region sizes - proc_stat_signal(1) – decode /proc/self/stat for signal status - pshtreads(1) – alternative experiment to ps(1) involving thread display - qpdecode — quoted-printable filter - qplay(1) — convert QBASIC play strings to PCM - qtar(1) – faster interface to tar with file ordering - raregetty(8) — local login program for remote hosts - recursive_lower(1) — recursively lowercase all filenames - – read RPM dependencies and output a graph - sourcefuncsize(1) — statistical analysis of code - spec-beautifier(1) — program to clean up RPM .spec files - stxdb(1) — A/V file database - su1(8) – what sudo should have done - sysinfo(1) — print IRC-style system information banner - tailhex(1) — hex dumper with tail-following support - utmp_register(1) — make entries in the utmp/wtmp database - vcsaview(8) — display a screen dump in VCSA format - vfontas(1) — VGA font file assembler - wavdiff(1) — proof-of-concept raw PCM deltifier - wktimer(1) — work timer " HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2018 Developer Name" LICENSE=" GNU GPL v2 GNU GPL v3 WTFPL v2.0 " REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.xz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="92cf002d1375acc3e995206a5096391d2ee2a714a9e59f01aab19c3cdcfa428a" PATCHES="hxtools-$portVersion.patchset" ARCHITECTURES="?all !x86_gcc2" SECONDARY_ARCHITECTURES="x86" # On x86_gcc2 we don't want to install the commands in bin//, but in bin/. commandSuffix=$secondaryArchSuffix commandBinDir=$binDir if [ "$targetArchitecture" = x86_gcc2 ]; then commandSuffix= commandBinDir=$prefix/bin fi GLOBAL_WRITABLE_FILES=" settings/hxloginpref.conf keep-old " PROVIDES=" hxtools$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion cmd:aumeta$commandSuffix cmd:bin2c$commandSuffix cmd:checkbrack$commandSuffix cmd:clock_info$commandSuffix cmd:clt2bdf$commandSuffix cmd:cwdiff$commandSuffix cmd:declone$commandSuffix cmd:fxterm$commandSuffix cmd:git_author_stat$commandSuffix cmd:git_export_patch$commandSuffix cmd:git_forest$commandSuffix cmd:git_track$commandSuffix cmd:googtts$commandSuffix cmd:gpsh$commandSuffix cmd:gxxdm$commandSuffix cmd:man2html$commandSuffix cmd:mkvappend$commandSuffix cmd:move_moov$commandSuffix cmd:ofl$commandSuffix cmd:pesubst$commandSuffix cmd:pegrep$commandSuffix cmd:pmap_dirty$commandSuffix cmd:qpdecode$commandSuffix cmd:qtar$commandSuffix cmd:rot13$commandSuffix cmd:spec_beautifier$commandSuffix cmd:ssa2srt$commandSuffix cmd:su1$commandSuffix cmd:sysinfo$commandSuffix cmd:tailhex$commandSuffix cmd:wktimer$commandSuffix " REQUIRES=" haiku$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libHX$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libpci$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libXcb$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel devel:libHX$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libpci$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libXcb$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:aclocal cmd:autoconf cmd:gcc$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:make cmd:pkg_config$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD() { sh runConfigure --omit-dirs binDir ./configure --bindir="$commandBinDir" make $jobArgs } INSTALL() { make install }