SUMMARY="Modern and safe systems programming language" DESCRIPTION="Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, \ prevents almost all crashes*, and eliminates data races." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2018 The Rust Project Developers" LICENSE="MIT" REVISION="2" cargoVersion="0.29.0" rlsVersion="0.128.0" rustfmtVersion="0.8.2" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion-src.tar.xz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="8a899afd4b502b4ebff5cfc82cba77a8cb37113b5e6018f15c09545936081848" SOURCE_DIR="rustc-$portVersion-src" PATCHES="rust-$portVersion.patchset" ARCHITECTURES="?all !x86_gcc2" SECONDARY_ARCHITECTURES="?x86" PROVIDES=" rust$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion cmd:cargo$secondaryArchSuffix = $cargoVersion cmd:cargo_fmt = $cargoVersion cmd:rls = $rlsVersion cmd:rust_gdb = $portVersion cmd:rust_lldb = $portVersion cmd:rustc = $portVersion cmd:rustdoc = $portVersion cmd:rustfmt = $rustfmtVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libcrypto$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libcurl$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libssl$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libz$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel devel:libcurl$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libssl$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libz$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:cargo$secondaryArchSuffix == $cargoVersion cmd:cmake cmd:cmp cmd:file cmd:find cmd:gcc$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:git cmd:grep cmd:ld$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:make cmd:pkg_config$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:python cmd:rustc == $portVersion cmd:sed cmd:tar cmd:which cmd:xargs " BUILD() { # write the build configuration tr -d '\t' >config.toml <<- EOL [llvm] targets = "X86" experimental-targets = "" [build] cargo = "/$relativeBinDir/cargo" rustc = "/boot/system/bin/rustc" submodules = false extended = true tools = ["cargo", "rls", "rustfmt", "analysis"] [install] prefix = "$prefix" libdir = "$relativeLibDir" mandir = "$relativeManDir" docdir = "$relativeDevelopDocDir" sysconfdir = "$relativeDataDir" [rust] channel = "stable" use-jemalloc = false rpath = false deny-warnings = false dist-src = false [dist] src-tarball = false EOL # Disable ASLR: compiling stage 1 rustc requires a lot of RAM (about 1.5 # GB). Haiku has a per-process limit of 2GB on 32 bit systems. ASLR makes # the available space even smaller. Disabling it will give us the space to # compile Rust export DISABLE_ASLR=1 # now build rust and cargo ./ dist } INSTALL() { # we will manually invoke the install scripts if [ $effectiveTargetArchitecture = x86 ]; then architecture="i686-unknown-haiku" fi if [ $effectiveTargetArchitecture = x86_64 ]; then architecture="x86_64-unknown-haiku" fi # let's install the packages one by one cd $sourceDir/build/tmp/dist/ for module in "rust-docs-$srcGitRev-$architecture" \ "rust-std-$srcGitRev-$architecture" \ "rustc-$srcGitRev-$architecture" \ "rust-analysis-$srcGitRev-$architecture" \ "cargo-$cargoVersion-$architecture" \ "rls-$rlsVersion-$architecture" \ "rustfmt-$rustfmtVersion-$architecture" do ./$module/ \ --prefix=$prefix \ --docdir=$developDocDir \ --libdir=$libDir \ --mandir=$manDir \ --sysconfdir=$dataDir \ --disable-ldconfig done # move the cargo and binaries (in case of a secondary arch) if [ -n "$secondaryArchSuffix" ]; then mkdir -p $binDir mv $prefix/bin/cargo $binDir/cargo fi # remove zsh data, it is not used on Haiku anyway rm -rf $prefix/share # move the `rustlib` folder to the developLibDirs (as it is a framework of sorts) # do create a link in $prefix/lib as that is where rustc expects things to live # Note; this actually seems to be a bug in the Rust build system. The path # to rustlib is hardcoded in the rustc binary, but it does allow it to be # set to libdir_relative (see in the bootstrap tool). This variable # is only set when the configure script is used to generate the config, not # with config.toml mkdir -p $developLibDir mv $libDir/rustlib $developLibDir ln -r -s $developLibDir/rustlib $prefix/lib/rustlib # clean out unneccesary files created by the rust installer rm $developLibDir/rustlib/components rm $developLibDir/rustlib/install.log rm $developLibDir/rustlib/manifest-* rm $developLibDir/rustlib/rust-installer-version rm $developLibDir/rustlib/ } TEST() { ./ test }