SUMMARY="Multi pass optimizing macro assembler for the 65xx series of processors" DESCRIPTION="64tass is cross assembler targeting the 65xx series of micro processors \ which features the familiar syntax of Omicron TASS and TASM." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2013-2020 Soci/Singular 1997-2001 Benjamin Sittler" LICENSE="GNU LGPL v2.1 my_getopt" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="c9222531a711cf7f23fe0294dd953c2a7cda37f84070fdaeaf8c83a7284cc582" SOURCE_DIR="64tass-$portVersion" ARCHITECTURES="all !x86_gcc2 ?arm ?ppc ?sparc" SECONDARY_ARCHITECTURES="x86" commandSuffix=$secondaryArchSuffix commandBinDir=$binDir if [ "$targetArchitecture" = x86_gcc2 ]; then commandSuffix= commandBinDir=$prefix/bin fi portVersionCompat="$portVersion compat >= ${portVersion%%.*}" PROVIDES=" 64tass$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersionCompat cmd:64tass$commandSuffix = $portVersionCompat" REQUIRES=" haiku$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:gcc$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:gzip cmd:make cmd:which " PATCH() { sed -i "s|\$(exec_prefix)/bin|$commandBinDir|g" Makefile sed -i "s|\$(prefix)/share|$dataRootDir|g" Makefile sed -i "s|\$(datarootdir)/man|$manDir|g" Makefile sed -i "s|\$(datarootdir)/doc/\$(TARGET)|$docDir|g" Makefile sed -i "s|/usr/bin/install|`which install`|g" Makefile sed -i "s|\sLICENSE-L\{0,1\}GPL-2.[0-1]||g;s|\sLICENSE-my_getopt||g" Makefile } BUILD() { make $jobArgs } INSTALL() { make install $jobArgs # vim syntax # TODO: better version checking, still ok until # we are on the 8.2 branch or we repackage vim itself mkdir -p $dataDir/vim/vim82/syntax cp -r syntax/vim/syntax/*.vim $dataDir/vim/vim82/syntax }