SUMMARY="Convert files into tape images for Amstrad computers" DESCRIPTION="2CDT is a utility to transfer files into a .CDT Tape-Image. A .CDT is a tape-image file which describes the data stored on a cassette \ tape. This file format is very powerful and can describe fast and custom \ loaders as well as standard operating system formats. The .CDT file format is identical to the .TZX format. The extension is \ used to differentiate between Spectrum and Amstrad Tape-Images. The .TZX file format was originally designed to store Spectrum tape \ programs, its format can be found from various sources, one of these is \ \"World Of Spectrum\": There are a number of tools which already create .TZX files: Taper, Voc2TZX \ and MakeTZX. However, these are designed to recognise Spectrum tape loaders, \ and so do not do well at creating a tape-image for Amstrad formats. 2CDT has been designed as a starting point for further Amstrad CDT tools, \ and as a program to generate reference tape-images which can be used by \ emulator authors to support this tape-image format in their programs. This tool is designed to \"inject\" one or more file into a .CDT in the \ format written by the Amstrad operating system. The tool allows the user to define the .CDT \"recording\" method and baud rate." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2000-2014 Kevin Thacker" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="" CHECKSUM_SHA256="490bba3a1ecac40392093943e52471d6a35df0bbccfb223481060da28bc3a1af" SOURCE_FILENAME="2cdt-$" SOURCE_DIR="2cdt" PATCHES="2cdt-$portVersion.patchset" ARCHITECTURES="x86_gcc2" PROVIDES=" 2cdt = $portVersion cmd:2cdt " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:gcc cmd:make " BUILD() { make $jobArgs } INSTALL() { mkdir -p $binDir cp 2cdt $binDir }