SUMMARY="A simple, vim-like file manager" DESCRIPTION="Ranger is a console file manager that gives you greater \ flexibility and a good overview of your files without having to leave your \ console. It visualizes the directory tree in two dimensions: the directory \ hierarchy on one, lists of files on the other, with a preview to the right so \ you know where you'll be going." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2009-2018 Roman Zimbelmann 2010 David Barnett 2010 Lucas de Vries 2010 Sitaram Chamarty 2011 David Pugnasse 2011 ornicar 2011-2012 Abdó Roig-Maranges 2011-2012 M Rawash 2012 Serge Broslavsky 2012 joe 2013 Emanuel Guevel 2013 Joseph Tannhuber 2013-2014 GermainZ 2014 Célestin Matte 2014 Milan Svoboda 2014 rukai 2015 Alexander Buddenbrock 2015 Delisa Mason 2015 No Suck 2015 Randy Nance 2015 Ryan Burns 2015 anekos 2015 bastorran 2015-2017 nfnty 2015-2018 Wojciech Siewierski 2016-2018 Toon Nolten" LICENSE="GNU GPL v3" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$portVersionedName.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="0e1d1b1d3f78c227a6cfa783822e98591ca76a35c643d4814f40f73515d66b8a" ARCHITECTURES="any" PROVIDES=" $portName = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " PYTHON_PACKAGES=(python python3) PYTHON_VERSIONS=(2.7 3.6) for i in "${!PYTHON_PACKAGES[@]}"; do pythonPackage=${PYTHON_PACKAGES[i]} pythonVersion=${PYTHON_VERSIONS[$i]} eval "PROVIDES_$pythonPackage=' ${portName}_$pythonPackage = $portVersion cmd:ranger = $portVersion cmd:rifle = $portVersion '" eval "REQUIRES_$pythonPackage=' haiku cmd:python$pythonVersion '" eval "CONFLICTS_$pythonPackage=' cmd:ranger cmd:rifle '" BUILD_REQUIRES="$BUILD_REQUIRES setuptools_$pythonPackage" BUILD_PREREQUIRES="$BUILD_PREREQUIRES cmd:python$pythonVersion" done INSTALL() { for i in "${!PYTHON_PACKAGES[@]}"; do pythonPackage=${PYTHON_PACKAGES[i]} pythonVersion=${PYTHON_VERSIONS[$i]} python=python$pythonVersion pkgPrefix=$(getPackagePrefix $pythonPackage) installLocation=$pkgPrefix/lib/$python/vendor-packages/ export PYTHONPATH=$installLocation:$PYTHONPATH mkdir -p $installLocation rm -rf build $python build install \ --root=/ --prefix=$pkgPrefix install -d -m 755 $pkgPrefix/$relativeDocDir $pkgPrefix/$relativeManDir mv $pkgPrefix/share/doc/ranger/* $pkgPrefix/$relativeDocDir mv $pkgPrefix/share/man/* $pkgPrefix/$relativeManDir rm -rf $pkgPrefix/share done }