SUMMARY="A curses-based visual file comparison utility" DESCRIPTION="hexcompare is a tool for comparing two binary or ASCII files. Its \ main advantage over other ordinary comparison tools is that it gives a very \ convenient visual representation (common parts shown in blue, mismatching \ parts in red) which allows to quickly spot the zones of interest." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2010-2015 iseal & mv_fox" LICENSE="GNU GPL v3" REVISION="3" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="a9609b28099d7578228f359a460a06f7fc1ae8cde614ea10e525b88eb04a9451" SOURCE_URI_2="$portVersion-1.debian.tar.xz" CHECKSUM_SHA256_2="28a70dd7de7221957916cbe4dfe523384217875768666ce8121505cfe39ba788" PATCHES="hexcompare-$portVersion.patch" ARCHITECTURES="all" PROVIDES=" hexcompare = $portVersion cmd:hexcompare = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku lib:libncurses " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel devel:libncurses " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:dos2unix cmd:gcc cmd:install cmd:make " PATCH() { # Convert CRLF to LF to satisfy gcc2. dos2unix general.h gui.c gui.h main.c } BUILD() { CFLAGS="-I$includeDir" LDFLAGS="-L$developLibDir" make $jobArgs } INSTALL() { install -d -m 755 $binDir $docDir $manDir/man1 install -t $binDir -c -m 555 -s hexcompare install -t $docDir -c -m 444 README install -t $manDir/man1 -c -m 444 $sourceDir2/debian/manpage/hexcompare.1 }