SUMMARY="A program to help shell scripts parse command-line parameters" DESCRIPTION=" Getopt(1) is a program to help shell scripts parse command-line parameters. * It can do anything that the GNU getopt(3) routines can do. * It can cope with spaces and shell metacharacters within arguments. * It can parse long parameters. * It can shuffle parameters, so you can mix options and other parameters on the \ command-line. * It can be easily identified as an enhanced getopt(1) from within shell scripts. * It can report parse errors as coming from the shell script. * It compiles cleanly with both libc-5 and glibc-2 (libc6)." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="1997-2012 Frodo Looijaard" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="2" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="d0bf1dc642a993e7388a1cddfb9409bed375c21d5278056ccca3a0acd09dc5fe" ARCHITECTURES="all" PROVIDES=" getopt = $portVersion cmd:getopt = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES="" BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" haiku_devel cmd:gcc cmd:make " PATCH() { sed -i 's/WITHOUT_GETTEXT=0/WITHOUT_GETTEXT=1/' Makefile } BUILD() { make } INSTALL() { make install \ prefix=$prefix \ mandir=$manDir }