SUMMARY="Filesystem benchmarking program" DESCRIPTION="IOzone is a filesystem benchmark tool. The benchmark generates \ and measures a variety of file operations. Iozone is useful for performing a broad filesystem analysis of a vendor’s \ computer platform. The benchmark tests file I/O performance for the following \ operations: Read, write, re-read, re-write, read backwards, read strided, fread, fwrite, \ random read, pread, mmap, aio_read, aio_write" # NOTE: The author retains the exclusive right to publish derivative works # based on this work, including, but not limited to, revised versions of # this work. HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT=" 1991-2001 William D. Norcott 2010 Don Capps " LICENSE="iozone" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="" CHECKSUM_SHA256="322981e168f32bd39f54772b82b2906d598d958c37e954e75742e71baf58bb9b" SOURCE_DIR="iozone3_492" PATCHES="iozone-3.492.patchset" ARCHITECTURES="all ?x86" PROVIDES=" iozone = $portVersion cmd:fileop = $portVersion cmd:iozone = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" cmd:cc cmd:make " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD() { cd src/current/ make haiku } INSTALL() { mkdir -p $binDir $manDir/man1 cd src/current/ cp iozone $binDir cp fileop $binDir cp ../../docs/iozone.1 $manDir/man1 }