SUMMARY="Decompresses LZX archives on multiple platforms" DESCRIPTION="LZX is the name of an LZ77 family compression algorithm invented \ by Johnathon Forbes and Tomi Poutanen. unlzx is a program designed to extract \ these archives." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2001 Erik Meusel" LICENSE="Public Domain" REVISION="4" srcGitRev="36a85e75eb8ef9a9ca2191cc275ff7d20def16ec" SOURCE_URI="$srcGitRev.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="472f38164768989657cd57ef759624de5331ef7033f8723023ed67f520648eb5" SOURCE_DIR="unlzx-$srcGitRev" ADDITIONAL_FILES="unlzx-expander-rules" ARCHITECTURES="x86_gcc2 x86" PROVIDES=" unlzx = $portVersion cmd:unlzx " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel cmd:gcc cmd:strip " BUILD() { gcc unlzx.c -o unlzx strip unlzx } INSTALL() { expanderRulesDir=$dataDir/expander/rules mkdir -p $binDir $expanderRulesDir cp unlzx $binDir cp $portDir/additional-files/unlzx-expander-rules $expanderRulesDir }