SUMMARY="A specialized computer algebra system" DESCRIPTION="PARI/GP is a specialized computer algebra system, primarily \ aimed at number theorists, but has been put to good use in many other \ different fields, from topology or numerical analysis to physics. Although quite an amount of symbolic manipulation is possible, PARI does \ badly compared to systems like Axiom, Magma, Maple, Mathematica, Maxima, or \ Reduce on such tasks, e.g.~multivariate polynomials, formal integration, \ etc. On the other hand, the three main advantages of the system are its \ speed, the possibility of using directly data types which are familiar to \ mathematicians, and its extensive algebraic number theory module (from \ the above-mentioned systems, only Magma provides similar features)." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2000-2018 The PARI Group, Bordeaux" LICENSE="GNU GPL v2" REVISION="2" SOURCE_URI="$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="3835caccaa3e0c64764521032d89efeb8773cce841f6655fec6d58e790f4c9a1" PATCHES="pari-$portVersion.patchset" ARCHITECTURES="all" SECONDARY_ARCHITECTURES="x86_gcc2 x86" portVers=${portVersion%.*} PROVIDES=" pari$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion compat >= 2 cmd:gp$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:gp_$portVers$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:gphelp$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:tex2mail$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libpari_gmp$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion compat >= 2 " REQUIRES=" haiku$secondaryArchSuffix pari_data == $portVersion lib:libgmp$secondaryArchSuffix lib:libncurses$secondaryArchSuffix " PROVIDES_devel=" pari${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel = $portVersion compat >= 2 devel:libpari_gmp$secondaryArchSuffix = $portVersion compat >= 2 " REQUIRES_devel=" pari$secondaryArchSuffix == $portVersion base devel:libgmp$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libncurses$secondaryArchSuffix " if [ -z "$secondaryArchSuffix" ]; then SUMMARY_data="A specialized computer algebra system (data files)" ARCHITECTURES_data="any" PROVIDES_data=" pari_data = $portVersion " REQUIRES_data="" fi BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku${secondaryArchSuffix}_devel devel:libgmp$secondaryArchSuffix devel:libncurses$secondaryArchSuffix " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:gcc$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:diff cmd:ld$secondaryArchSuffix cmd:make cmd:sed " BUILD() { ./Configure --prefix=$prefix --bindir=$binDir --includedir=$includeDir \ --libdir=$libDir --mandir=$manDir --datadir=$dataDir \ --sysdatadir=$libDir/pari make -C Ohaiku-* $jobArgs all } INSTALL() { make install rm $libDir/ if [ -n "$secondaryArchSuffix" ]; then rm -rf $dataDir $documentationDir else packageEntries data $dataDir fi prepareInstalledDevelLib libpari-gmp fixPkgconfig packageEntries devel $developDir } TEST() { make dobench # make test-all }