SUMMARY="A CLI for testing internet bandwidth using" DESCRIPTION="speedtest-cli is a command-line interface for testing internet \ bandwidth using Note that latency reported by this tool should \ not be relied on as a value indicative of ICMP style latency; rather, it is a \ relative value used for determining the lowest latency server for performing \ the actual speed test against. Also note that its results may also be inconsistent with due to \ the website's migration to using pure socket tests instead of HTTP based ones, \ the application being written in Python, \ differing performance between Python versions, \ and CPU and Memory capacity and speed." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2012-2018 Matt Martz" LICENSE="Apache v2" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$HOMEPAGE/archive/v$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="5e22f2dcce1c9020f33faf559b22727483f022008a2912b85d573e578374b6a0" SOURCE_FILENAME="speedtest-cli-$portVersion.tar.gz" SOURCE_DIR="speedtest-cli-$portVersion" ARCHITECTURES="any" PROVIDES=" $portName = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " PYTHON_PACKAGES=(python python3) PYTHON_VERSIONS=(2.7 3.6) for i in "${!PYTHON_PACKAGES[@]}"; do pythonPackage=${PYTHON_PACKAGES[i]} pythonVersions=${PYTHON_VERSIONS[$i]} eval "PROVIDES_${pythonPackage}=\"\ ${portName}_$pythonPackage = $portVersion\n\ cmd:speedtest_cli_$pythonPackage \"; \ REQUIRES_$pythonPackage=\"\ haiku\n\ cmd:python$pythonVersion\ \"" BUILD_REQUIRES="$BUILD_REQUIRES setuptools_$pythonPackage" BUILD_PREREQUIRES="$BUILD_PREREQUIRES cmd:python$pythonVersion" done INSTALL() { for i in "${!PYTHON_PACKAGES[@]}"; do pythonPackage=${PYTHON_PACKAGES[i]} pythonVersion=${PYTHON_VERSIONS[$i]} python=python$pythonVersion installLocation=$prefix/lib/$python/vendor-packages export PYTHONPATH=$installLocation:$PYTHONPATH mkdir -p $installLocation rm -rf build $python build install \ --root=/ --prefix=$prefix rm -rf $binDir/speedtest mv $binDir/speedtest-cli $binDir/speedtest-cli-$pythonPackage packageEntries $pythonPackage \ $prefix/lib/python* \ $binDir done }