SUMMARY="A filter that blocks the touchpad while typing" DESCRIPTION="Most OSs have drivers for laptops which will allow the automatic \ dismissal of mouse-down events while typing. In other words: you accidentally \ produce mouse clicks on your touchpad while typing. Haiku doesn't have that functionality yet. The first time the filter is run, it will make a default settings file in \ ~/config/settings named "PadBlocker_settings". This is just a text file, \ containing a number representing in milliseconds (1/1000 secs) the delay \ between when the last key-up message is handled and when the next mouse-down \ message will be allowed. You can set this number to whatever you want, but I imagine anything more than \ 500 (half a second) would be counter-productive. Since the threshold is loaded on instantiation of the filter (i.e. when the \ input_server is fired up) any changes you make won't be noticed until the \ server is restarted, manually, or on reboot. To restart the input_server manually, open the Terminal and type: /system/servers/input_server -q The mouse and keyboard will go dead for a second or two as the input server \ restarts, and the add-ons are loaded." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2000 Shamyl Zakariya" LICENSE="MIT" REVISION="2" SOURCE_URI="" CHECKSUM_SHA256="7b8b62116afe212cbf43a27e46e73d03a092d94ab5e2b8170b66036f49f08797" SOURCE_DIR="PadBlocker-cdd4ff71201491bb418ba4711b7ea637e3822d1e" ARCHITECTURES="all" USER_SETTINGS_FILES="settings/PadBlocker_settings" PROVIDES=" padblocker = $portVersion addon:PadBlocker " REQUIRES=" haiku " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" makefile_engine cmd:g++ cmd:make " BUILD() { make $jobArgs OBJ_DIR=objects } INSTALL() { mkdir -p $addOnsDir/input_server/filters cp objects/PadBlocker $addOnsDir/input_server/filters }