SUMMARY="A Tracker add-on to upload a file to an online service" DESCRIPTION="UploadIt is a Tracker Add-On that uploads a single file to the \ online service The Null Pointer at The URL for the uploaded \ file is put into the clipboard after the upload has finished, ready to be \ pasted into an email, a chat window or forum post. Depending on the file size, uploaded files are retained for 30 days to one \ year. The maximum file size is 512 MiB. is NOT a platform for: * piracy * pornography * extremist material of any kind * malware / botnet C&C * anything related to crypto currencies * backups * CI build artifacts * doxxing, database dumps containing personal information * anything illegal under German law Uploads found to be in violation of these rules will be removed, and the \ originating IP address blocked from further uploads. Tip: Install Clipdinger from HaikuDepot. It includes a 'Clipboard Monitor' \ that you can embed as Replicant on the Desktop. When you see the upload URL \ appearing there, you know the file was uploaded successfully and the URL can \ be pasted." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="2018-2020 Humdinger" LICENSE="MIT" REVISION="1" SOURCE_URI="$HOMEPAGE/archive/v$portVersion.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="d90f1352fd8f3be78f41a3ed88e753c668f31e0f2d1f03bbbb5c54e4b93fa539" SOURCE_DIR="UploadIt-$portVersion" ARCHITECTURES="all" PROVIDES=" uploadit = $portVersion addon:UploadIt = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku cmd:curl cmd:gawk cmd:grep " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" makefile_engine cmd:g++ " BUILD() { make $jobArgs make bindcatalogs } INSTALL() { make install INSTALL_DIR=$addOnsDir/Tracker }