SUMMARY="A paint and imaging software" DESCRIPTION="Becasso is a paint and imaging software for Haiku, originally \ written for BeOS by Sum Software. It features alpha channel support, layering, multi-level undo/redo, add-on \ architecture for external filters, transformators and generators, an \ orthogonal user interface, and import/export of numerous file formats." HOMEPAGE="" COPYRIGHT="1997-2003 Sum Software 2013 Julian Harnath" LICENSE="MIT" REVISION="6" srcGitRev="9a1411913ee46f4dfa5116def50ebc41495dad28" SOURCE_URI="$srcGitRev.tar.gz" CHECKSUM_SHA256="1cbb14a159211919473eaf218834c9f38cb9e5610126b1a620cc953ccb2b70b5" SOURCE_DIR="Becasso-$srcGitRev" ARCHITECTURES="all" USER_SETTINGS_FILES=" settings/Becasso directory" PROVIDES=" becasso = $portVersion app:Becasso = $portVersion " REQUIRES=" haiku lib:libz " BUILD_REQUIRES=" haiku_devel devel:libz " BUILD_PREREQUIRES=" cmd:gcc cmd:jam cmd:nasm " BUILD() { jam -q } INSTALL() { jam install becassoDir=$appsDir/Becasso mkdir -p $becassoDir $becassoDir/Documentation $becassoDir/Tutorials cp -R target/* $becassoDir cp -R documentation/Becasso\ 2.0/* $becassoDir/Documentation cp -R source/BecassoAPI2.0/API $becassoDir/Documentation cp -R documentation/Tutorials $becassoDir addAppDeskbarSymlink $becassoDir/Becasso }