
220 lines
6.1 KiB

* Copyright 2016-2019 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT license
* Authors:
* Alexander von Gluck IV <kallisti5@unixzen.com>
* Brian Hill <supernova@tycho.email>
* Jacob Secunda
#include <Button.h>
#include <CheckBox.h>
#include <GroupView.h>
#include <MessageRunner.h>
#include <NodeInfo.h>
#include <OutlineListView.h>
#include <Path.h>
#include <Point.h>
#include <ScrollView.h>
#include <StatusBar.h>
#include <StringView.h>
#include <Window.h>
#include "StripeView.h"
using namespace BPrivate;
enum {
class SuperItem : public BListItem {
SuperItem(const char* label);
virtual void DrawItem(BView*, BRect, bool);
float GetPackageItemHeight();
float GetPackageItemHeight(bool showMoreDetails);
BBitmap* GetIcon(bool showMoreDetails);
float GetIconSize(bool showMoreDetails);
void SetDetailLevel(bool showMoreDetails);
bool GetDetailLevel() { return fShowMoreDetails; };
void SetItemCount(int32 count);
float ZoomWidth(BView *owner);
BBitmap* _GetPackageIcon(float listItemHeight);
BString fLabel;
BString fItemText;
BFont fRegularFont;
BFont fBoldFont;
bool fShowMoreDetails;
font_height fBoldFontHeight;
float fPackageItemLineHeight;
BBitmap* fPackageLessIcon;
BBitmap* fPackageMoreIcon;
int32 fItemCount;
class PackageItem : public BListItem {
PackageItem(const char* name,
const char* simple_version,
const char* detailed_version,
const char* repository,
const char* summary,
const char* file_name,
SuperItem* super);
virtual void DrawItem(BView*, BRect, bool);
virtual void Update(BView *owner, const BFont *font);
void CalculateZoomWidths(BView *owner);
int NameCompare(PackageItem* item);
const char* FileName() { return fFileName.String(); };
void SetDownloadProgress(float percent);
void ShowProgressBar() { fDrawBarFlag = true; };
float MoreDetailsWidth()
{ return fMoreDetailsWidth; };
float LessDetailsWidth()
{ return fLessDetailsWidth; };
void _DrawBar(BPoint where, BView* view,
icon_size which);
BString fName;
BString fSimpleVersion;
BString fDetailedVersion;
BString fRepository;
BString fSummary;
BFont fSmallFont;
font_height fSmallFontHeight;
float fSmallTotalHeight;
float fLabelOffset;
SuperItem* fSuperItem;
BString fFileName;
float fDownloadProgress;
bool fDrawBarFlag;
float fMoreDetailsWidth;
float fLessDetailsWidth;
class PackageListView : public BOutlineListView {
virtual void FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight);
void ExpandOrCollapse(BListItem *superItem,
bool expand);
void AddPackage(uint32 install_type,
const char* name,
const char* cur_ver,
const char* new_ver,
const char* summary,
const char* repository,
const char* file_name);
void UpdatePackageProgress(const char* packageName,
float percent);
void SortItems();
float ItemHeight();
void SetMoreDetails(bool showMore);
BPoint ZoomPoint();
void _SetItemHeights();
SuperItem* fSuperUpdateItem;
SuperItem* fSuperInstallItem;
SuperItem* fSuperUninstallItem;
bool fShowMoreDetails;
PackageItem* fLastProgressItem;
int16 fLastProgressValue;
class SoftwareUpdaterWindow : public BWindow {
bool QuitRequested();
void FrameMoved(BPoint newPosition);
void FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight);
void Zoom(BPoint origin, float width, float height);
void MessageReceived(BMessage* message);
bool ConfirmUpdates();
void UpdatesApplying(const char* header,
const char* detail);
bool UserCancelRequested();
void AddPackageInfo(uint32 install_type,
const char* package_name,
const char* cur_ver,
const char* new_ver,
const char* summary,
const char* repository,
const char* file_name);
void ShowWarningAlert(const char* text);
BBitmap GetIcon(int32 iconSize);
BRect GetDefaultRect() { return fDefaultRect; };
BPoint GetLocation() { return Frame().LeftTop(); };
BLayoutItem* layout_item_for(BView* view);
void FinalUpdate(const char* header,
const char* detail);
uint32 _WaitForButtonClick();
void _SetState(uint32 state);
uint32 _GetState();
status_t _WriteSettings();
status_t _ReadSettings(BMessage& settings);
BRect fDefaultRect;
BStripeView* fStripeView;
BStringView* fHeaderView;
BStringView* fDetailView;
BButton* fUpdateButton;
BButton* fCancelButton;
BButton* fRebootButton;
BStatusBar* fStatusBar;
PackageListView* fListView;
BScrollView* fScrollView;
BCheckBox* fDetailsCheckbox;
BLayoutItem* fDetailsLayoutItem;
BLayoutItem* fPackagesLayoutItem;
BLayoutItem* fProgressLayoutItem;
BLayoutItem* fCancelButtonLayoutItem;
BLayoutItem* fUpdateButtonLayoutItem;
BLayoutItem* fRebootButtonLayoutItem;
BLayoutItem* fDetailsCheckboxLayoutItem;
uint32 fCurrentState;
sem_id fWaitingSem;
bool fWaitingForButton;
uint32 fButtonResult;
bool fUpdateConfirmed;
bool fUserCancelRequested;
BInvoker fCancelAlertResponse;
int32 fWarningAlertCount;
BInvoker fWarningAlertDismissed;
BPath fSettingsPath;
status_t fSettingsReadStatus;
BMessage fInitialSettings;
bool fSaveFrameChanges;
BMessageRunner* fMessageRunner;
BMessage fFrameChangeMessage;
float fZoomHeightBaseline;
float fZoomWidthBaseline;
int SortPackageItems(const BListItem* item1, const BListItem* item2);