
78 lines
1.9 KiB

* Copyright 2008 Ralf Schülke, ralf.schuelke@googlemail.com.
* Copyright 2010 Adam Smith <adamd.smith@utoronto.ca>
* Copyright 2014 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Ralf Schülke, ralf.schuelke@googlemail.com
* John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
* Adam Smith, adamd.smith@utoronto.ca
#ifndef PAIRS_VIEW_H
#define PAIRS_VIEW_H
#include <ObjectList.h>
#include <View.h>
const uint8 kSmallIconSize = 32;
const uint8 kMediumIconSize = 64;
const uint8 kLargeIconSize = 128;
const uint32 kMsgCardButton = 'card';
class BBitmap;
class PairsButton;
class PairsView : public BView {
PairsView(BRect frame, const char* name,
uint8 rows, uint8 cols, uint8 iconSize);
virtual ~PairsView();
virtual void AttachedToWindow();
virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect);
virtual void FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight);
virtual void CreateGameBoard();
int32 Rows() const { return fRows; };
int32 Cols() const { return fCols; };
BObjectList<PairsButton>* PairsButtonList() const
{ return fPairsButtonList; };
int32 GetIconPosition(int32 index);
int32 IconSize() const { return fIconSize; };
void SetIconSize(int32 size) { fIconSize = size; };
int32 Spacing() const { return fIconSize / 6; };
void _GenerateCardPositions();
void _ReadRandomIcons();
void _SetPairsBoard();
void _SetPositions();
uint8 fRows;
uint8 fCols;
uint8 fIconSize;
int32 fButtonsCount;
int32 fCardsCount;
BObjectList<PairsButton>* fPairsButtonList;
BObjectList<BBitmap>* fSmallBitmapsList;
BObjectList<BBitmap>* fMediumBitmapsList;
BObjectList<BBitmap>* fLargeBitmapsList;
int32* fRandomPosition;
int32* fPositionX;
int32* fPositionY;
#endif // PAIRS_VIEW_H