local DEFAULT_BG_COLOR = "fc05e344" local DEFAULT_FG_COLOR = "fc059dd0" local DEFAULT_HL_COLOR = "fc059db0" if not sparktech then sparktech = {} end function sparktech.makebar(texture, posx, posy, sizex, sizey, value, maxvalue, direction) -- direction = where to cut the texture either from thr right(0), below(1) left(2) or above (3) -- default is right(0) --texture texture name , no folder required --sizex the size to modify if direction == nil then direction = 0 end --direction is optional this way -- format : image[X,Y;W,H;texture_name] local ratio = value / maxvalue if direction == 0 then sizex = ratio * sizex elseif direction == 1 then sizey = ratio * sizey elseif direction == 2 then posx = posx + (sizex - (ratio * sizex)) sizex = ratio * sizex elseif direction == 3 then posy = posy + (sizey - (ratio * sizey)) sizey = ratio * sizey end return "image[" .. posx .. "," .. posy .. ";" .. sizex .. "," .. sizey .. ";" .. texture .. "]" end function verify_hexcolor_or_nil(s) if not s or #s ~= 8 or s:find("[^abcdefABCDEF0123456789]") then return nil end return s end function sparktech.add_inventory(size_x, size_y, formspec) -- pass an unfinished formspec with minimum size, this function adds an inventory local bg_color = verify_hexcolor_or_nil(minetest.settings:get("spark_gui_background")) or DEFAULT_BG_COLOR local fg_color = verify_hexcolor_or_nil(minetest.settings:get("spark_gui_foreground")) or DEFAULT_FG_COLOR local fg_highlight = verify_hexcolor_or_nil(minetest.settings:get("spark_gui_highlight")) or DEFAULT_HL_COLOR local gui_immersive if minetest.settings:get("spark_gui_full") then gui_immersive = "true" else gui_immersive = "false" end if not size_x or size_x < 13.9 then size_x = 13.9 end if not size_y or size_y < 0 then size_y = 0 end local l_formspec = "size[" .. tostring(size_x) .. "," .. (size_y + 4.8) .. "]" .. "real_coordinates[true]" .. "list[current_player;main;0," .. size_y .. ";8,3;8]" .. "list[current_player;main;0," .. (size_y + 3.8 ) .. ";8,1;]".. "list[current_player;craft;10.4," .. size_y .. ";3,3]" .. "list[current_player;craftpreview;10.4," .. (size_y + 3.8) .. ";1,1]" .. "listcolors[#" .. fg_color .. ";#" .. fg_highlight .. "]" .. "bgcolor[#" .. bg_color .. ";" .. gui_immersive .. "]" if not formspec then formspec = "" end l_formspec = l_formspec .. formspec return l_formspec end