# if [ $VTE_VERSION ]; then # source /etc/profile.d/vte.sh # __vte_osc7 # fi if [[ $TERMINAL == urxvt ]] || [[ $TERM == xterm ]] || [[ $TERM == screen ]]; then export TERM="xterm-256color" fi fpath=(~/projects/scripts/completions/ $fpath) # zplug management source ~/.zplug/init.zsh zplug "zplug/zplug", hook-build:'zplug --self-manage' zplug "denysdovhan/spaceship-zsh-theme", use:spaceship.zsh, as:theme # zplug "dracula/zsh", as:theme zplug "zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions" zplug "zsh-users/zsh-completions" zplug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting", defer:3 zplug "plugins/pass", from:oh-my-zsh if ! zplug check; then zplug install fi zplug load # Theme settings export SPACESHIP_TIME_SHOW=true export SPACESHIP_CHAR_SYMBOL="> " export SPACESHIP_BATTERY_SHOW=false # Do menu-driven completion. zstyle ':completion:*' menu select zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache 1 # Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install HISTFILE=~/.histfile HISTSIZE=2000 SAVEHIST=1000 setopt beep bindkey -e # End of lines configured by zsh-newuser-install # The following lines were added by compinstall zstyle :compinstall filename '~/.zshrc' autoload -Uz compinit # End of lines added by compinstall # Alias definition # Paranoia alias rm="rm -i" alias delete="rm -I" alias mv="mv -i" alias cp="cp -ip" alias ls="ls -F --color=auto" alias la="ls -FAhl --color=auto" alias ll="ls -Flh --color=auto" alias lt="ls -Flhart --color=auto" alias sl="exa -Fal" alias lesr="less -R" alias ip="ip -c" #alias man="info" alias filesize="stat -c '%s'" alias mirror="~/mirrors/websites/mirror" alias qledger="gpg -o - --decrypt ~/notes/ledger.dat.gpg | ledger -f - " alias ytda="youtube-dl -f 'bestaudio[ext=webm]/bestaudio'" alias ytdv="youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo[ext=webm]+bestaudio[ext=webm]/bestvideo+bestaudio'" alias mpa="mpv --no-vid --loop-playlist=inf" alias flame="perf script | ~/builds/FlameGraph/stackcollapse-perf.pl | ~/builds/FlameGraph/flamegraph.pl > flamegraph.svg" alias p6="perl6" function cheat() { if [ -n "$1" ] then curl "https://cheat.sh/{$@}" else curl "https://cheat.sh" fi } # I need my fortune's if hash fortune 2>/dev/null; then fortune -a fi