const search_url = ""; const headers = { "X-YouTube-Client-Name": "1", "X-YouTube-Client-Version": "2.20200319.09.00", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", }; async function* mediaIterator(search) { const result = await fetch(search_url + search, { headers, }).then((c) => c.json()); const videos = result?.[1]?.response?.contents?.twoColumnSearchResultsRenderer ?.primaryContents?.sectionListRenderer?.contents?.[0]?.itemSectionRenderer ?.contents; if (videos == undefined) { return; } for (const content of videos) { if (content?.videoRenderer != undefined) { const video = content.videoRenderer; if (video.videoId == undefined) { continue; } yield { title: video.title?.accessibility?.accessibilityData?.label, id: video.videoId, }; } else if (content?.playlistRenderer != undefined) { const playl = content.playlistRenderer; if (playl.playlistId == undefined) { continue; } yield { title: playl.title?.simpleText, id: playl.playlistId, count: playl.videoCount, }; } } } if (Deno.args.length == 0) { console.error("Expected search keywords"); Deno.exit(1); } for await (const media of mediaIterator(Deno.args.join("+"))) { console.log( media.title + (media.count != undefined ? " <" + media.count + " Videos>" : "") + ":", ); console.log("ytdl://" +; }